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    Tuesday, May 02, 2006

    Is it legal in our sunny island ?

    `hmm i've watched the mtv and i've read Colin&Kero 's blog. i read not jus their blog but oso Nicky&Christ 's blog too.

    hmm .. i do not know what makes them become the way they are now. Is it because of their failed relationship in the past ? Or is it because they think that ladies are bitches and cannot be trusted or cant give them lurve and care ?

    i am not looking down on the gays . I take time to accept the fact that the gays exist in our island. =\ I think there are some countries allow homos to get marry. It used to be illegal but now, it's legal.

    After they get married , they adopt children. I am wondering how the child feels if he/she finds out that both her/his parents are of the same sex. What should the child address them.
    E.g . both parents are male; should the child addresses them as father 1 and father 2 ? Or address one of them as mother when the child knows that the mother is actually a guy ?

    I heard that Singapore is thinking of allowing homos to get marry legally. Is it true or just rumours ? o.O? =\ i didnt read newspaper n thus i am not sure. sorry =/

    I think i cant accept when my lurve one tell me that he likes guys. But think it another way, he actually tells you the truth and it is so so difficult to tell someone that you're a gay or lesbians.
    At least i know the truth before i marry him yea` ? **( i am not refering to my bf or anyone )**

    What I've noticed is that most of the gays are hnadsome guys. =\


    Posted by |L|emo|N| at 12:46 AM


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